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14. Jul 2024 — Shawn Maholick

ISO 9001: Driving Business Excellence and Customer Satisfaction Through Quality Management

Our comprehensive exploration of ISO 9001 certification offers valuable insights into enhancing business practices and customer satisfaction. Understanding and …

14. Apr 2024 — Shawn Maholick

How To Convert Markdown to Beautiful PDF

Since I’m writing documentation, tutorials and guidelines on regular basis and often spent a lot of time on formatting until I get to know Markdown. Markdown …

08. Apr 2024 — Shawn Maholick

The Power of Less: How Kirby CMS Transformed My Web Experience

In the ever-evolving realm of website creation, Content Management Systems (CMS) represent the cornerstone of digital publishing, powering everything from …

12. Mar 2024 — Shawn Maholick

SaltStack (Salt): Streamlining Server Management and Configuration

The ever-evolving landscape of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure management has driven the need for robust automation and configuration tools. In this …

06. Aug 2023 — Shawn Maholick

n8n: Unleashing the Power of Automation

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, maximizing efficiency and productivity is necessary. Achieving these goals involves implementing automation, …

30. May 2023 — Shawn Maholick

Directus: The Powerful Open-Source Platform for Data Management

In today’s digital era, efficient data management is crucial for businesses. With the emergence of multiple data sources and formats, it becomes increasingly …

11. Oct 2022 — Shawn Maholick

A Comprehensive Review of the Zero Trust Security Model

Due to constant digital and technological evolution, the importance of cyber security regarding knowledge and implementing effective solutions is extremely …

16. Sep 2022 — Shawn Maholick

A Brief Introduction to Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

As a result of technological innovations, the increasing connectivity of systems and the resulting digitalization, individuals and companies are increasingly …

21. May 2022 — Shawn Maholick

Earth Overshoot Day – Our Yearly Marker Of Resource Overuse

This year’s Earth Overshoot Day (2022) falls on July 28, which is an indication of increasing consumerism and a recovering economy. Without the war of …